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Giraffe and Pellinn and me

The book Gírafína og Pellinn og me by Roald Dahl with fantastic pictures by Quentin Blake is now in stores.

Elli often stood outside the old wooden house that was for sale and dreamed of opening a sweet shop there - filled with the world's best sweets from all over the world. One day he noticed a sign in the window that read: "Sold", and in it an entire bathtub flew out of the window and crashed with a wonderful explosive force on the ground. Three new owners had arrived in the house, Gírafína, Pellinn and Apinn, who called themselves the Stairless Window Washing Gang. Let the adventure begin! A lively and funny book by Roald Dahl for children of all ages!


Kver bókaútgáfa ehf.
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VSK númer: 117737
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